This podcast is a conversation between Dr. Howard Gurr, the co-host of “Psychology and You”, and Dr. Peter Kanaris on sex therapy.
Dr. Kanaris holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He is a N.Y.S. licensed psychologist and the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists certifies him as a Diplomate of Sex Therapy. He is a graduate Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Albert Ellis Institute in NYC where he served as a senior clinician, training supervisor and faculty member
Dr. Kanaris currently serves as the Public Education Campaign Coordinator for the New York State Psychological Association. He has been the featured guest on many live interviews and call-in television and radio programs where he has discussed a variety of topics including relationships and sexuality. He has been interviewed in numerous major newspaper and national magazine columns and feature articles in the areas of family, parenting, sexuality and mind body health.
Dr. Kanaris is also the co-host of an educational video series “Psychology and You”. He has written for the Health Page for FHM (For Him Magazine) where he responded to questions on sexuality and intimacy. He has presented at the American and New York State Psychological Associations on Psychology and the Media: Educating the Public. He has published a paper in Professional Psychology: Research & Practice on this same topic.
As Clinical Director of Hewlett Consultation Center from 1981 through 1999, Dr. Kanaris’ responsibilities included psychotherapy, sex/marital counseling, coordination of clinical services, professional training and community education. Since 1998, Dr. Kanaris has directed the Sexual Diagnostic Program at his office in Smithtown, New York.