In this installment of “Psychology of You”, Dr. Howard Gurr, today’s host, and Dr. Stephen Honor discuss concussions and traumatic brain injuries.
Dr. Stephen Honor is in the full time practice of forensic and clinical neuropsychology in Smithtown, NY. He is board certified in:
-clinical neuropsychology
-forensic psychology & forensic medicine
-clinical and medical psychology, and he is also a Fellow of the American College of Forensic Psychology
Dr. Honor serves as a Medical Advisor to the Department of Health and Human Services and a member of the New York State Department of Health Medical Records Access Review Committee. He is a representative of the Neuropsychology Division to the NYSPA and the Neuropsychology Division of the American Psychological Association. In addition, he is also on the Executive Board of the Suffolk County Psychological Association.
Dr. Honor has testified locally and nationally in legal cases, pertaining to homicide, personal injury and custody evaluation. He also lectures to professional groups including physicians, psychologists, attorneys and mental health specialists on topics related to neuropsychology and forensics.
My name is Paige Bond, I am an undergrad Psychology Major at Texas Tech University. I am conducting an informational PodCast on Autism for the University Psychology PodCast series.
I was wondering if you or if you know of any experts in the field (psychologists, researchers, authors, etc) whom i can contact to contribute their knowledge, advice, etc to the PodCast.
Thank you for your consideration,
Paige Bond, Psychology Major
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Hello well I haven't realize the problem of the brain strokes cause they really can make some damage so I will ask me doctor how I can prevent this terrible disease cause its terrible bye.
also i just found a great treatment ringworm treatment so good .bye
He is a representative of the Neuropsychology Division to the NYSPA and the Neuropsychology Division of the American Psychological Association. stop shin splints
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